Community and Youth Collaborative Institute (CAYCI)


Dublin Schools Pilot Program

Dublin City Schools Students

Dublin City Schools logo

Dublin City Schools (DCS) sits northwest of the city of Columbus and serves around 17,000 students across 23 buildings. The district is one of Ohio’s highest achieving districts as nearly 80% of graduates go on to higher education. DCS serves a diverse population of students with the third highest immigrant population in the state and a large number of students who are English Language Learners. The district strives to provide a well-rounded education through prioritizing creating innovative learning environments, incorporating social-emotional wellness, and maximizing opportunities for strong relationships and communication.

CAYCI is in its first year of partnership with DCS to provide Ohio State College of Social Work students with an engaging field placement and support DCS students across the district. Currently, two master’s students are placed in the district who are supervised by a site coordinator and work closely with building staff to support the district’s credit recovery program, The Bridge, at Emerald Campus and Hopewell Elementary.

CAYCI has partnered with Dublin City Schools to:

  1. support program design related to student services and school climate
  2. provide service personnel, specifically student interns from the College of Social Work at The Ohio State University to support program development and service delivery at the Emerald Campus, Hopewell Elementary, and with plans to expand into other buildings
  3. implement professional development opportunities for DCS staff focused on trauma-informed practices, holistic approaches to support, and parent/caregiver engagement.

The CAYCI Team has initiated:

  • Hosting social-emotional learning activities, implementing trauma-informed care professional development trainings for staff, and continuing exploration of community partnerships.
  • CAYCI team works alongside DCS staff members to further district-wide ad building-specific goals and initiatives.

To learn more about DCS, visit their website: Dublin City Schools (